A woman puts blood plasma into a centrifuge


The importance of the centrifuge in PRP treatment - how is the blood plasma separated?

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Author: Rebecca Lampi

Published: 2021-12-14

The centrifuge plays a key role in the final outcome of a PRP treatment. That’s why it’s important that the clinic you go to for your PRP treatments works with good centrifuges.

How fast the centrifuge spins, how long it spins, that it doesn’t vibrate – all play a role in the end result.

At Nordic Hair Clinic we use German machines of the Hettich brand. They are expensive, but they are robust and reliable. Above all, they deliver the results we want. Other centrifuge marks shake and rattle, and don’t stratify the blood as precisely as we’d like.

Excessive vibration can interfere with the stratification of the blood. For us, it is important to avoid this because we want a precise separation of the blood plasma and the red blood cells, so that we can more easily access the part of the fluid that is most useful to our customers.

The centrifuge is a key part of the technology we use to deliver the best results for customers – a technology that has been proven and developed by us and enables us to achieve some of the best results on PRP in the entire market.

How is the blood centrifuged?

In a PRP treatment, we draw about 24 ml of the patient’s blood. The blood is collected in tubes which we then put into the centrifuge to separate the plasma from the red blood cells.

When the centrifuge is finished, the red blood cells are at the bottom of the tube. The platelets and white blood cells settle in the middle and the plasma settles at the top.

The centrifuge fractionates the blood by weight and the aim of the whole process is to access the part of the blood that is most beneficial for your hair growth, depending on the treatment you do.

The part of the blood used during treatment

The part of the blood that we want to access is the blood plasma that contains the platelets. It is in the platelets where the growth factors are found that stimulate hair follicles to produce stronger and faster hair growth.

Platelets are called platelets in English and it is from this word that PRPgets its name, platelet-rich plasma.


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