håravfall efter graviditet,

Losing hair after pregnancy

Do you find that you lose a lot of hair after your pregnancy? Hair loss after pregnancy is common for many new mothers.

Many people get their hair back after pregnancy on their own – but it can take up to a year after giving birth.

Want to know how we can help you get your hair growth going after your pregnancy?


Why do you lose hair after pregnancy?

During a pregnancy, amounts of hormones are produced in the body and some of them have a positive effect on hair growth.

The hormones cause the hairs that would normally go into a resting phase and fall out to remain. Thus, you can experience that you get more hair and better hair quality during pregnancy.

After childbirth, hormone levels return to normal levels and the “extra” hairs that have remained fall out.

Therefore, many people may experience that they lose a lot of hair after a pregnancy.

The welcome but sometimes physically demanding life transition plus increased stress and limited sleep can further affect the hair and cause more and more hair loss.

That you lose hair after a pregnancy can therefore be due to stress and other reasons.

Rita hårlinje innan hårtransplantation


Regain lost hair after pregnancy

Many people who experience that they lose a lot of hair after their pregnancy come to us for PRP hair treatments.

PRP is a natural treatment that uses the body’s own growth factors that stimulate hair growth.

Through a blood test, the body’s growth factors are extracted from the blood plasma.

These growth factors are then injected superficially into the scalp.

The treatment triggers the production of hair cells and increases the supply of nutrients to the area.

Existing hairs become stronger as they grow out and dormant hair follicles are brought to life. This slows down hair loss, which allows you as a new mother to get your hair back.

efter hårtransplantation

customer story

“I have had such good results”

Lise started losing a lot of hair after giving birth. Her husband had a hair transplant at Nordic Hair Clinic last year, so she contacted Maggie and asked if there was anything she could do to counteract the hair loss. Maggie recommended PRP treatment.

– My son is 6 months old now and when I was pregnant I had very thick and beautiful hair. From what I understand, it’s because you don’t lose as much hair as you usually do. Then 3–4 months after giving birth I started losing an extreme amount of hair. I even started to experience bald spots. It felt very scary, says Lise.

– I didn’t notice anything during the first treatment. But a month later, when I was going to have the next treatment, the nurse who was going to inject the plasma saw that it had started to grow in the places where my hair was almost bald. Now that I’m going to have my third treatment, I see that I’ve grown 3–4 cm. It’s gone much faster than I thought and that gives me hope, says Lise.

– Given that I have had such good results, I can absolutely recommend Nordic Hair Clinic, especially for people who lose hair after childbirth or thyroid problems.

We help you restore your hair