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8 most frequently asked questions before a hair transplant

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Author: Jacob Lagercrantz

Published: 2021-12-14

Having a hair transplant is a big change in your life, great for your self-confidence but also financially. That’s why it’s important to get answers to the questions you have about the procedure and the results afterwards before you have your transplant. You are welcome to join us at Nordic Hair Clinic for a free consultation where we will go through your personal circumstances and what results are realistic for you. But until then, we’ve collected the 8 most common questions we get from our patients.


1. How much does it cost?

If you do your hair transplant at one of our clinics, you pay for the number of grafts that are removed. The number of graftsthat can be taken from you personally is difficult to say without first examining your neck donation area and the transplant area. Here you can see our prices for a hair transplant in Sweden.

In our clinics, 4 PRP post-treatments are included in the price. PRPspeeds up the healing process after a hair transplant and stimulates hair growth to get going.

See price for hair transplant

2. How much hair do I need to take?

The best way to find out how many grafts will need to be taken from your donation area is to come in for a consultation. It is difficult to say without examining your donation area because the donation area differs greatly from person to person. A consultation is free of charge at Nordic Hair Clinic.


3. Does it hurt to do a hair transplant?

The vast majority of our patients say that the only thing they feel during the hair transplant is the anaesthetic injections at the beginning. Once the anaesthetic takes effect, the rest of the procedure will not be felt. The healing process can be a little difficult at first. You have to be careful not to reach the newly transplanted area and therefore have to sleep in a slightly seated position, which can be unfamiliar for many people.


4. Will there be any scars afterwards?

With the FUE method, there are no scars if it is done correctly. Our hair technicians are highly skilled with many years of experience and we always work towards a natural end result as a goal. We take grafts from the donor area with enough space between the hair follicles so that it is minimally visible when the hair grows back.


5. How long will it take before I see any results?

It takes a while to see results after a hair transplant. First, the hair follicles must grow tight and new capillaries must form before new hair can begin to be produced. The hair begins to grow relatively quickly immediately after a hair transplant, but after a certain time the hair follicle may release the hair strands that were transplanted into the scalp. This is a normal part of the healing process, the hair follicle still remains under the skin and eventually new hair begins to grow. Hair, by nature, does not grow at exactly the same time, but different hair follicles grow in different phases. Some hair follicles get going faster than others. Therefore, it is difficult to say exactly when a person can see the end result, but usually most people can see their end result 12 months after the hair transplant.


6. Will it be obvious that I have had a hair transplant?

How natural your final result will be depends on which clinic you go to and who performs your hair transplant. Our hair technicians are among the best in the world and possess extensive technical knowledge to give you the absolute best results possible for your hair. The vast majority of our patients get a very natural result and that’s always what we strive for.


7. Are the results permanent?

The hair on the back of your neck is genetically coded not to fall off. When you move a hair follicle from your neck to another area of your head, the hair that has been moved will still have the same properties as the rest of the hair in your neck. So it won’t fall off once it’s grown in.


8. How do I choose the right clinic?

We offer hair transplants in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö but how do you know which clinic to choose? Our top tip is to choose the clinic closest to you. This is to make your follow-ups and the procedure itself as smooth as possible for you. There are also many medical hair clinicsin the world and only you can decide which one is best for you. Our advice to you is to do as much research as you can. Attend a consultationto get a feel for how the clinic works and to have your questions answered. Have your hair examined to get an idea of the results you can expect. Think about it, look at before and after pictures and go to the clinic that makes you feel best.

Want to learn more about hair transplants?