Why is the consultation important?

The consultation can feel like an unnecessary moment. All talk, no action. Something that takes time. But we are convinced that the consultation is important both for you and for us.

We only want to treat clients who we think can get a good result, and we don’t want to take any medical risks. That’s why we need to find out a lot about our patients before we make a treatment.

This applies to both PRPand hair transplantation.

Book a free consultation

All the pieces of the puzzle are important

How does a consultation work?

The consultation is free and takes about half an hour. It starts with you filling in a health declaration, which gives us a first indication of whether there is anything about you that we need to know.

Then we’ll talk to you. We want to understand the causes of hair loss. Have you taken medication? Been sick? Suffered from dengue fever or a cancerous disease? Do you have iron deficiency or thyroid problems? Stressed a lot? Had mental health problems?
Only when we understand the causes of hair loss can we propose a serious solution.

From your perspective, it’s important to get answers to questions they’ve been pondering for a long time. In our experience, many people carry a lot of stress and anxiety. It is unnecessary.

The most important thing for us is that the customer feels comfortable. If after the consultation the customer says: “I’m afraid of needles, I think it’s too expensive, or I don’t think I’ll get a good result”, that’s fine.

A consultation does not have to lead to treatment. But our aim is for the client to leave the consultation a little wiser and more knowledgeable.


An important part

Microscopic camera

An important part of the initial consultation is also the microscopic camera examination.

Using the microscopic camera – which magnifies up to 200 times – we study your scalp and hair follicles.

The camera shows how much hair you’ve lost. What hair loss looks like. If the hair follicles are still there, if they are alive, or if they have died.

Learn more about how the micro camera works
iman tp

Even more important in a hair transplant

If a hair transplant is planned, the consultation is even more important. Then we need to explain what your circumstances are, what the outcome could be and what the risks are.

It is also important to talk about what happens during and after the procedure. How long you have to stay home from work, how long you should avoid exercise, and how often you should wash your hair are things we discuss. No issue is too small to talk about.

We all have different circumstances. Every person is unique. Therefore, it is rather uninteresting to talk in general about the number of hairs and how many “grafts”, hair follicles, should be moved.

It is better to talk about each person’s circumstances.

Read more about our hair transplant consultation
consultation with brush

We are always honest

We may say no

We are always honest. It is important to say. You may even be told that we can’t help you. At least not right now.

That you first have to go to the hospital and have blood tests to check your iron levels, and then we can take care of your hair loss.

We’ll tell you honestly what we can do to help. Often we present different options. Then it’s up to you. After the consultation, you go home and think. If you have further questions, please call or email us again.

We send many people to the health centre for a thyroid test or to check their iron levels. For others, we recommend seeing a CBT psychologist for stress management training.

Sometimes we work with hair treatments in parallel, but sometimes a PRP treatment or hair transplant has to wait until more acute problems have been dealt with.

We would never do a treatment that we didn’t think would lead to a better result.