Customer story

"Hair means everything to me"

Published: 2017-07-31

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Iman stands outside and talks about his new hair

Iman, 37 years old

Iman from Borås started losing his hair at the age of 17. It started with a receding hairline and thinning bangs. Finally, even the crown was bald. As an aspiring hairdresser, his hair was important both personally and professionally, and he found the loss of hair extremely stressful for his self-confidence.

Iman underwent a hair transplant using the FUE method at Nordic Hair Clinic and now has a result she can trust.

– I love doing my clients’ hair and I am very particular about my own hair. Losing my hair was not an option,” says Iman, who is now 37.

The moved hair follicles remain permanently

The thinning hair had been causing irritation for years and six years ago Iman had enough and had his first hair transplant. During a hair transplant, individual hair follicles are moved from the neck to the head. The procedure takes about six hours and is performed under local anaesthetic.

In the vast majority of cases, a transplant is sufficient as the displaced hairs grow permanently. But if you start losing hair very early, your body’s sensitivity to DHT, the substance that triggers genetic hair loss, is very strong. Therefore, it must be taken into account that the original hair may continue to thin, and then another treatment may be required to maintain the same density.

– The result was good after the first transplant, but a few years later the hair began to thin again. I couldn’t do a proper haircut anymore and that’s when I visited Nordic Hair Clinic. “The service was incredibly professional and after the first consultationthere was no hesitation to do another transplant to increase the density at the front of the hairline,” says Iman.

before and after on Iman after the procedure

Short healing – longer wait

Iman basically slept through the entire procedure when the 1500 hair follicles were rearranged on his head. You may feel sore for the first 24 hours after the transplant, but the area will heal within two weeks. After that, you just have to wait for the hair to grow out, which takes about six months.

– The procedure itself went very smoothly and I received very good instructions from the clinic on how to take care of my hair afterwards regarding washing and so on. I think the hardest part was waiting for the hair to grow out,” laughs Iman.

Open about his intervention

Iman describes himself as a very open person both in his private life and in his profession, and he certainly doesn’t think hair loss is something to be ashamed of or strange to deal with.

– Many of my clients ask me for advice and I am very open about my treatment, which is appreciated. Hair means everything to me. It’s what I do every day and there’s nothing better than a classic men’s hairstyle. I’ve never regretted for a second that I did the procedure,” he says.

6 months after Iman’s hair transplant

About 6 months after his hair transplant, we sat down with Iman to hear what results he has seen. His hair has grown all the way out in the front, but he’s still waiting for the hair to take off in the crown. A hair transplant is a long process that requires patience. The final result cannot be seen until 12 months after the procedure.

iman after the procedure

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