A man with hair loss looks at himself in the mirror.

Hair loss

Hair loss (alopecia) can have many different underlying causes. The most common form is hereditary hair loss but it is also common to lose hair from certain diseases, trauma, vitamin deficiencies or various medications.

You can’t get your hair back, but we know how to prevent and counteract it. With over 15 years of experience, we are very knowledgeable about what you can do to prevent hair loss.

We offer free consultations where we examine your hair and find out the cause of your hair loss.

Get your hair checked
man touches his hair when he looks in the mirror

hereditary hair loss

What is hereditary hair loss?

Some people have hair loss coded into their genes to start at a young age, while others keep their hair until they are older.

A common myth is that it is only your mother’s genes that cause hereditary alopecia (hair loss). There is no evidence for this. Heredity can also skip generations.

This means that if you carry the genetic predisposition for hair loss, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you will start losing your hair.

There are very good possibilities for treatment of hereditary hair loss if it is started in time.

a man touches his hair and looks in the mirror

hereditary alopecia

Hair loss coded into their genes

By far the most common reason we lose hair and are affected by hair loss is genetic. The medical name for hereditary hair loss is androgenic alopecia.

Normally we lose 100-200 hairs every day, but in hereditary hair loss we lose much more than that.

Androgenic alopecia can begin as early as adolescence for men. For women, hair loss and thinningusually occurs after menopause.

Do you suspect that you are experiencing hereditary hair loss? During one of our free consultations, we’ll examine your hair with a microcamera, review your condition and work together to find the underlying cause of your hair loss.

Hair loss in men and women

Questions and answers

Alopecia and hair loss - what's the connection?

Alopeciais the medical term for hair loss. Many people mistake the word to be the same as alopecia areata, which is not true.

Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease while alopecia literally means hair loss.

Does it help to take vitamins against hair loss?

As long as you are not deficient in any vitamin or mineral, taking hair vitamins for hair loss will not help.

However, if you suffer from iron deficiency, for example, hair vitamins can help strengthen your hair.

How much hair loss is normal?

Normally, we lose about 100 – 200 hairs a day. In some periods, hair loss can be more severe. But if you lose more than 200 hairs a day for a long period of time, it might be a good idea to check it out.

It may be a hormonal disorder or an underlying disease. A hair grows for about 6 years and then goes into a resting phase of 1 – 3 months before it falls off.

Can stress cause hair loss?

Yes. When the body is exposed to a lot of stress over a long period of time, the hair follicles may go into resting phase as a form of self-defence.

The hair follicles then die 3 – 6 months after the event that triggered the resting phase. This can make it difficult to trace stress as the contributing factor to hair loss. When the hair follicle dies, the hair falls off.

How can a PRP treatment help against hair loss?

With PRP, we extract the body’s own growth factors, called platelets, which we then inject into the scalp.

The growth factors enlarge the size of the hair follicle, which is often shrunken and has been for a long time (if the hair loss has been going on for a long time). As the size of the hair follicle increases, the hair follicle is able to start producing a hair again of better and stronger quality.

In this way, the treatment can effectively prevent hair loss.

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