man with donor area shaved

Donation area

In a hair transplant, groups of hair follicles (grafts) are taken from a donor area. The donation area is usually at the back of the head, near the neck.

It is also possible to take hair from other parts of the body – such as the chest. The hair on the neck and chest is genetically coded not to fall off, unlike the hair on the top of the head.

This means that when you move a hair follicle group, the associated hair will not fall off.

The price of a hair transplant varies depending on how many grafts are needed and can be taken from your donation area.

During a free consultation, we will review your personal circumstances.

Book a free consultation
woman with donor area shaved

Donation area - before and after transplantation

Before a hair transplant, the donation area is shaved so that we can easily extract your grafts. It can be a difficult moment for many.

With a little planning, it is possible to cover the hair in the donation area in different ways. For example, if you have long hair, it is easy to cover the donation area afterwards.

Tricks to hide the donation area

woman with donor area shaved

Female, 28 years old - 1 500 grafts

With longer hair, you can easily hide the donation area with loose hair or by wearing your hair up.

man with donor area shaved

Male, 41 years - 2 000 grafts

It is possible to hide the donation area with shorter hair by letting the hair above the area grow a little longer.


These photos were taken 25 days apart.

man shaving his hair before a hair transplant

Examine your donor area

The right donation area is important

It is important that we get to examine your donor area to see what possibilities and what type of hair loss you have. If your hair growth is too sparse in the donor area, it is not always wise to have a hair transplant.

If you are transplanting hair from an already thin neck, the transplant may result in further noticeable thinning of the neck.

You may have enough hair in the donation area but if we see that this hair is under the influence of hereditary hair loss, we will advise you against it.

Read more about limitations.
man shaving his hair before a hair transplant

The hair follicles extracted

What can the donation area look like after?

The hair follicles extracted from the neck do not grow back.

When we move a hair follicle, that hair follicle grows into the newly transplanted area. Therefore, we usually take hair from a larger section of the neck to make the donation area less noticeable.

However, if you are very thin-haired to begin with, the hair at the nape of your neck may feel thinner, especially when you have a short-cut hairstyle.

Before and after pictures

Carl 6 months after the procedure

Hair transplant

Carl M, 26 years 2000 Grafts

Franz hair 12 months after the procedure.

Hair transplant

Franz M, 37 years 2500 Grafts

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Learn more about hair transplants

Read more about hair transplant