hårtransplantation eftervård

How to sleep after your hair transplant

For the first time after your hair transplant, it is important that nothing gets into your transplant area to impede healing or damage the newly transplanted hair follicles.

When you sleep, you must lie in a way that avoids the risk of lying on your transplant site, which can be uncomfortable for many people. We’ve summarised how you should think when you sleep below.

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Things to think about

hårtransplantation eftervård

Avoid contact with the newly transplanted area

The newly transplanted area must not come into contact with anything while you sleep. Stack pillows on top of each other to raise your head a little the first two nights. We recommend a neck pillow for comfort.

hårtransplantation eftervård

If you move a lot in your sleep

If you move a lot in your sleep, we recommend that you roll up towels or place pillows next to you on each side as armrests.