A man with alopecia areata looks in the mirror

Alopecia areata - patchy hair loss

Alopecia areata symptoms is an autoimmune hair disease where your hair follicles are forced into a resting phase and then let go of their hair.

You will then have one or more bald patches on your scalp (patchy hair loss).

There are a number of treatments you can try to restore hair growth and counteract bald patches: anti-inflammatory steroids, inducing a contact allergy or PRP treatment.

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What is alopecia areata?

Alopecia areata is a hair disorder associated with the condition alopeciathat causes patchy hair loss on the head, beard or body.

The body’s own immune system attacks its own hair follicles. This causes them to leave the anagen growth phase and release hairs.

It is not uncommon to have several spots on your head at the same time.

Research has not yet been able to determine what triggers the disease or what the cause of patchy hair loss might be, and there is currently no cure.

However, the disease can be treated with PRP therapy.

A man with alopecia areata looks in the mirror

Stress and alopecia areata

Does stress affect alopecia areata?

The disease causes great psychological stress for many people. The stress itself can worsen the disease once it has been triggered.

The stress contributes to increased hair loss, which can lead to spots spreading and getting bigger.

This means that the disease causes patchy hair loss, which in turn induces stress in the individual. This stress then leads to further hair loss. And so it goes round and round, getting worse and worse.

a woman with alopecia areata receives treatment


Treatment of alopecia areata

We have found that in many cases our PRP treatment works effectively as a treatment. It is worth mentioning that the hair follicles are often not permanently damaged, but have merely gone into hibernation phase.

Our PRP treatment works effectively as a treatment in many cases because PRP can awaken dormant hair follicles. This causes the hair follicle to start producing hair again. In most cases, the hair grows back within 6-12 months.

Read more about PRP

What happens during PRP treatment?