Before and after picture

Jonna, 31 years old

3 PRP-treatments

Jonna works as a hairdresser and was told about Nordic Hair Clinic by one of her clients. She chose to try a PRP treatment for her own hair as the results she had seen in her previous clients who had had PRP had been very good. In her professional role, she wanted to try a PRP treatment herself and see if it really worked.

I have already noticed huge results

Now Jonna recommends PRP treatments for her clients daily for their hair.

The familiar atmosphere at the clinic and Jonna’s own positive results have led her to recommend PRP treatments to her clients on a daily basis. She recommends, among other things, women who have lost hair after breastfeeding to come for a consultation at Nordic Hair.

Jonna is very happy and satisfied that she can help her customers who have problems with their hair. The best thing is the feeling of being able to promote something that I have actually tried myself and that has given such great results.

In addition to her regular job, Jonna also runs a podcast where Nordic Hair Clinic CEO Maggie Stolt shares her thoughts on PRP. Listen to the episode.

Jonna 6 months after her hair transplant