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Hereditary hair loss

By far the most common reason we lose hair and are affected by hair loss is genetic. The medical name for hereditary hair loss is androgenic alopecia.

Normally we lose 100-200 hairs every day, but in hereditary hair loss we lose much more than that.

Androgenic alopecia can begin as early as adolescence for men. For women, hair loss and thinningusually occurs after menopause.

Do you suspect that you are experiencing hereditary hair loss? During one of our free consultations, we’ll examine your hair with a microcamera, review your condition and work together to find the underlying cause of your hair loss.

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What is hereditary hair loss?

Some people have hair loss coded into their genes to start at a young age, while others keep their hair until they are older.

A common myth is that it is only your mother’s genes that cause hereditary alopecia (hair loss). There is no evidence for this. Heredity can also skip generations.

This means that if you carry the genetic predisposition for hair loss, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you will start losing your hair.

There are very good possibilities for treatment of hereditary hair loss if it is started in time.

håravfall process

A healthy hair

What happens to our hair as we get older?

A healthy hair follicle normally reaches its full size when we are young. Then the hair follicle produces a strong hair with a longer anagen growth phase and it takes longer to lose the hair strand.

As we get older, the hair follicle shrinks. When the hair follicle gets smaller, it produces a weaker hair. The older we get, the more stunted our hairs become and the thinner our hair becomes.

Eventually, the hair follicle is so stunted that it stops producing hair altogether. Hereditary hair loss speeds up this process.

Hereditary hair loss is often related to the hormone DHT.

Read more about DHT

The difference between male and female hair loss