ISHRS - Internationellt sällskap för hårrestaureringskirurgi

I november 2019 medverkade vi på Nordic Hair Clinic vid International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery, World Congress i Bangkok, Thailand. We participated because Dr. Canan, the doctor in charge and partner at Nordic Hair Clinic Istanbul, is a member of ISHRS.

We took part in lectures and a lot of information about the latest techniques in hair transplantation.

Drill from Devroye Instruments

Mats Stolt met a representative from Devroye Instruments who demonstrated their drill that can be powered by both battery and electricity. You can also choose to work with or without a foot pedal.

Drill for longer hair

Something that sometimes makes some women, and even men, shy away from hair transplantation is the fact that we have to shave the patient’s donor area in order to remove the hair follicles. But here Mats Stolt and Dr. Canan are looking at a new type of drill that makes it possible to plant even long hairs.

Drill from Trivellini Tech

Another advantage of transplanting longer hairs is that the patient can see the result of the operation immediately. During shaving, this means that it takes about a year before a clear result is visible. There are several solutions on the market to enable the transplantation of long hairs. Here, Jorge from Trivellini Tech tells us about their drill that rotates both ways and switches direction when it senses there is a risk of hair damage.

Anaesthesia using compressed air

Mustafa from Ertip Medical shows Dr Canan and Mats Stolt how their new anaesthetic delivery technique works. Instead of injecting the anaesthetic with needles, this method involves the use of compressed air that penetrates the skin quickly and effectively.

Sapphire blade

Mustafa also told us that Ertip Medical is working on developing sapphire blades to make channels for the hair follicles that will be transplanted. Usually small razor blades are used to create these channels. For some patients, sapphire blades have proven to be a more gentle method.

APTV fluid from Energy Delivery Solutions

Mats Stolt and Dr. Canan from Nordic Hair Clinic also met with William from Energy Delivery Solutions who talked about ATPV, a supplement for the nutrient fluid we put the grafts in, which adds increased cellular energy that in turn increases the chances of as many hair follicles as possible surviving the transplant.

Cooler for grafts

Another incredibly important factor in the survival of the grafts we harvest is that we make sure they are kept cold while they are outside the body. Traditionally, they are stored on ice, which can be cumbersome. Here Mats Stolt and Dr. Canan look at a machine that is designed to cool grafts.

Implanter from Inrut

Here, Maggie Stolt talks about a hair follicle implanter that can be used for both short and long hairs. Manufactured by Inrut, it makes the whole process of implanting grafts more automated.

Photo equipment from PhotoFinder

As clear images of the scalp are essential to make a diagnosis and come up with a treatment plan, it is important to have good equipment for this. PhotoFinder is a photo solution specifically designed to examine the scalp and get a clear picture of both the thickness of the hairs and their density.

Further explanation of PhotoFinder

Here, Mats Stolt further explains how the system works and how we can extract the information we need from it.

Glasses from Rose Micro Solutions

Glasses with good lighting and magnification are something we at Nordic Hair Clinic often use during surgery. Here our hair specialist Maggie Stolt tests some new variants from Rose Micro Solutions.

Learn more about hair transplants