Customer story

"In fact, it's not too good to be true, it's for real"

Published: 2017-07-02

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Richard, 25 years old

At a very young age, Richard began to reflect on the fact that his hair was thinning and his hairline was creeping upwards. “It’s fine, as long as you don’t get bald.” Richard used to think at the age of 22. After realising that his grandfather also had similar problems, he decided to tackle the problem. The sooner you fix it, the better.

Hårtransplantation resultat

– When I was around 24 years old, I started actively searching for some kind of solution to my hair loss, completely unaware of what possible solutions looked like. Pretty soon I got into hair transplantation, which at first glance sounded too good to be true. To feel a little more confident, I started searching for other people who had done hair transplants. I came across Johan Larsson and Dennis Maglic’s blog and read about his experience with hair transplantation. That’s how I got onto Nordic Hair and started reading different customer stories from other people who had undergone the same treatment. It felt both good and credible, so I trusted my gut and booked a consultation to get all my questions answered.

The fashion-conscious 25-year-old, Richard Kronvall, has always had a lot going for him and has climbed purposefully in his career. Besides that, he spends time with friends and family and works out a lot. The key words in life are to trust yourself, go with your gut and not listen to others. His creative side and interest in interior design is reflected in his redesigned apartment and oil paintings. In the future, he dreams of his own business as an interior designer.

– When I arrived at the clinic I received a great welcome, it didn’t feel stiff or strange at all, but they really understood and cared. They looked at my hair and I got all my questions answered – and more. I went home to digest everything and do some thinking. Then I asked about my grandfather, we are like copies and he apparently had the same problem. Then I realized that those high bays are something I have to fix right away or it will only get worse. So a week after the consultation I thought; let’s do it!

What were your thoughts before the treatment?
– Of course you were a bit nervous, perhaps mostly to see the results. My gut felt right and I felt ready.

How did the treatment go and how did you feel during the healing period? Did many people wonder or ask?
– The treatment went very well, almost falling asleep, actually I think I did for a little while haha. No, but very calm and smooth, immediately afterwards I felt a bit tired. I had already decided to take a short holiday during the treatment. The first week I was at home a lot and usually wore a hat. After about a week I was out on the town and it was still red and thought everyone would be looking, but it turned out it wasn’t so bad but mostly in my head.

When I got back to work it was still a bit red and swollen, but very few people mentioned anything. Since I cut my hair very short during the treatment, more people actually mentioned the new hairstyle than the red.

What’s the big difference now?
– – Now after I am incredibly happy, the follow-up, the PRP treatments. Really all thanks to the clinic, right people in the right place, so happy! The fact that it is possible to make something that works in this way is amazing.

The first few months you thought wow it’s growing, cool. Then gradually I started to completely stop thinking that I had problems in the past. The result is very natural and normal. The hair in the back of the head where they took hair from is just like before. Many people who know I’ve done it say it looks great and are curious.

If your friends started to lose hair, would you recommend them to do a similar procedure?
– I would have said, look at this (pointing to hair), do it. If I ever need to do more, I would absolutely do it.

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