Customer stories - 2 / 7

Are you curious about how a hair transplant or PRP treatment works? Follow our customers before, during and after their procedure/treatment and take part in their experience with us!

camilla innan sin hårtransplantation på nordic hair clinic

Camilla, 28 years old

Camilla had felt bad about her high temples since her teens and had used various tricks to hide them. She decided to have a hair transplant.

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prp-behandling nordic hair clinic

Margareta, 67 years old

67-year-old Margareta does PRP hair treatments regularly. According to her, the hair gets stronger and better after each treatment.

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prp-behandling nordic hair clinic

Carl, 25 years old

In his 20s, Carl found that his hair began to thin out at the roots, and since then his hairline has continued to creep upwards. Carl had been meaning to do a hair transplant for some time, but couldn't because the timing wasn't right.

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Morris talks about his hair transplant

Morris, 45 years old

A friend of 45-year-old Morris had achieved amazing results after a hair transplant. When Morris asked where his friend had done the transplant, he replied "Nordic Hair Clinic" and Morris decided to come to us.

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2.5 years ago, Emma got her first bald spot. The spot Emma had discovered continued to grow, eventually taking up a large part of the back of her head.

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Lisa Keyling is getting her treatment

Lisa, 46 years old

Basal cell carcinoma is a type of skin cancer that affected Lisa. She lost a lot of hair as a result of the cancer and developed a bald spot after the operation. With PRP treatments, she was able to regain hair growth at the bald spot.

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