Customer story

"It looks scarier than it is"

Published: 2019-04-20

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massimo kundberättelse

Massimo travelled from Italy to have a hair transplant in Sweden at the Nordic Hair Clinic. He had thought about having a hair transplant in Italy, Turkey or Greece, but, when he saw the results his friend got, and that he spoke so highly of the clinic, he decided to fly out to Stockholm. We took the opportunity to interview him about his journey to better hair.

– I started losing hair when I was a teenager, 16 years old. When I was 19, it was very visible at the crown. It had become like a big, empty square in the crown of the back of my head. I dealt with the hair loss emotionally, so it wasn’t such a big problem over the years, but deep down I always dreamed of the day that technology will have advanced so much that it could fix this and fulfill my dream. Now I am excited that after so many years I will finally be able to do a hair transplant,” says Massimo.

massimo hårtransplantation

Going from Italy to do a hair transplant

Across the street from the clinic is a hostel where Massimo stayed on the days he was in Stockholm for his hair transplant. After his hair transplant, Massimo stayed in Sweden for a few more days to do his PRP treatment.

– It will also be like a little holiday for me. I didn’t expect it to be this sunny and nice in February in Stockholm. That alone is a good experience.

The day after his operation, Massimo came back to the clinic to get help removing his bandage.

Taking the bandage offwas interesting. I was worried that it would hurt. Fortunately, it did not. But I was a bit shocked at what the donation area looked like. It’s bigger than I thought it would be. At the same time, it’s a positive thing because it means they could take out a lot of grafts and transplant them into the area where I’m missing hair. But it doesn’t hurt, says Massimo.

The first night after the operation

After a hair transplant, it’s common to feel a little uncomfortable sleeping the first few nights because you’re sleeping in a position that you’re usually not used to. This is to avoid contact with the newly transplanted hair, which is at its most critical stage in the first few days after a hair transplant. Massimo found it a bit difficult to relax and woke up a lot the first night.


Hair transplant bandage

-Netflix helped a lot. I never felt weak or dizzy, but now I feel more stable now that it’s the day after the hair transplant. I brought 2 neck pillows – the kind you carry on a plane – and that made it a lot easier. ‘I was given a number for a doctor I could call at any time if I needed to, even at night, but I never felt I needed it,’ says Massimo.

By the second night, Massimo felt it was much easier to sleep. After his first PRP treatment, 2 days after the procedure took place, he had slept through the night without any problems.

Massimo looks forward to the result

3 PRP treatmentsare included in the price as post-treatment after a hair transplant in Sweden. Massimo had heard that PRP had many positive effects on hair and that it helps the transplanted hair to start growing. Massimo stayed two extra days in Stockholm so that he could have his first PRP treatment. Then he had to book the remaining two treatments and come to Stockholm on those days to undergo the treatment.

– I look forward to my treatments. It is very simple. It’s a blood test and then some injections. I could feel the needles, but it didn’t hurt, unlike the pain of receiving the anaesthetic before the operation,” says Massimo.

After his hair transplant, Massimo feels more than happy to have had the procedure. He looks forward to seeing the results.

– I would like to fast forward my life right now and see what I will look like in 6 months or a year from now. I would recommend the treatment to others who want to feel more comfortable in themselves. If you look in the mirror and don’t recognise yourself, then come here and do it. It looks scarier than it is,” says Massimo.


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