Customer story

"Hair transplantation among women is more common than you think"

Published: 2021-11-15

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Majken, 22 years old

Majken had been thinking about her temples for a long time. Just walking outside and feeling the wind blowing my hair up was hard. After some research, she decided that a hair transplant was for her.

Majken’s temples have been a disturbing factor in her everyday life for a long time.

“All you have to do is go out and walk, and the wind blows. Then I would feel them almost light up.”

To do something about it once and for all, Majken started looking around online for a good solution. That’s when she decided to do a hair transplant. She then decided to adjust her hairline – a choice she won’t regret.

“After the treatment and everything has finished growing, I am very much looking forward to putting my hair up.”

kvinnlig hårtransplantation

A hair transplant is not just for men

Before Majken read up on hair transplants, she thought only men did them. But the more she learned about the procedure, the more she realised that it’s very common for women as well.

“You hear a lot that it’s men who do transplants. But when you look at pictures and websites, especially at Nordic Hair Clinic, you see how common it is among women to do it.”

kvinnlig hårtransplantation

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