Customer story

"With each PRP treatment it has gotten better and better"

Published: 2019-07-15

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Kvinnlig hårtransplantation

Anna, 41 years old

When Anna came to us, it was because she had lost a lot of hair from a hereditary autoimmune disease that had inflamed her hair follicles to the point of their death. It also gave her severe problems with itchy scalp. She had tried several medications and cortisone, but nothing helped with the itching, and the hair loss just got worse and worse. On her mother’s recommendation, she came to Nordic Hair Clinic to try PRP.

Anna suffers from a diseasethat causes inflammation of the hair follicles. The hair follicles then release the hair in self-preservation and, if the inflammation goes on long enough, the hair follicles eventually die. Her hair was very thin and she had an intense itch.

– I’ve tried just about everything that can be tried to relieve the itching – eating medicines, taking cortisone – without any effect. My hair just got thinner and thinner. My mother came here for treatments because she has the same problem as me, that she gets inflammation of the scalp and then loses hair, says Anna.

PRP reduced the unbearable itching

After her first PRP treatment, the itching on her scalp reduced immediately. At the same time, it relieved the inflammation and gave her hair a chance to start growing again.

– I had become really thin-skinned when I came here. My hair was almost gone. I did 3 treatments and then I came here for a follow-up 10 weeks after my third treatment and by then all the hair had almost come back.

After the recommended PRP course, we always schedule a return visit for our patients. The feedback takes place about 10 weeks afterwards. At that point, PRP has reached its full effect and you can see what results you have achieved and whether or not the patient may need to supplement with more treatments.

PRP treatment gives scalp greater healing power

PRP doesn’t cure Anna’s scalp inflammation, but it reduces itching and helps the body heal it. PRP is also not a permanent solution to Anna’s autoimmune disease. It helps the inflammation go down, but sometimes it flares up again and Anna has to go for another PRP treatment.

– The PRP treatment reduced the inflammation in my scalp at once. With each PRP treatment it has gotten better and better and the positive effect lasts longer and longer. Now I’ve been on PRP treatment for a while and it never gets as bad as it was. Now when I get home I will be able to lie down and sleep on my pillow without itching. If I have a period when my scalp is very inflamed, it doesn’t last as long, but since I’ve maintained it with PRP, it’s gradually gotten better and better,” Anna says.

– Then the question is whether it can cure an autoimmune disease – no, maybe not. But it helps with the pain. Then I do many other things to feel as good as possible, trying to heal my body from the inside out. The healthier you are, the easier it is for your body to heal. It’s not like I’m going to get better because I do a hair treatment. But I find that it helps me with the itchingstraight away and I would definitely be bald by now if I hadn’t started going on treatment when this inflammation started.

Stress contributed to Anna’s hair loss

The stress of losing a lot of hair made Anna feel even worse about her illness and the fact that PRP works so well against itching makes her everyday life a lot easier. This allows Anna to find peace in knowing that it will resolve when the inflammation has a reprieve.

– It’s enough to be sick, it’s harder if you get bald too. I promote this hard every time I talk to someone. PRP treatment has helped me so much,” says Anna.

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