Hair transplant
Per K, 47 Years • 5500 grafts
Most types of scars can be hidden with a hair transplant by taking grafts(groups of hair follicles) from the neck and moving them to the area with scar tissue.
In each case, we assess the scar and determine the number of grafts that need to be moved.
This and a review of your circumstances will take place during one of our free consultations.
Book a free consultationWHY CHOOSE US?
We are specialists in the field and have extensive experience in hair implants and hair transplantation. We use FUE technology - the most modern and safe hair transplant technique.
We always offer free consultations. We'll take care of you. Four post-treatments with PRP (value 10 000 :-) are included in the price of all hair transplants.
Four post-treatments with PRP (value 10 000 :-) are included in the price of all hair transplants. PRP speeds up the healing process and stimulates hair growth.
Hair transplant
Per K, 47 Years • 5500 grafts
Hair transplant
Franz M, 37 years • 2500 Grafts
Före och efter
Jesper B, 28 years • 3 PRP-treatments
Emilia L, 31 years • 3 PRP treatments
Joakim P, 33 years • 3 treatments
Hair transplant
Imam K, 44 years • 2500 Grafts
Hair transplant
Maria B, 45 years • 2200 Grafts
Hair transplant
Ann L, 40 years • 500 Grafts
Hair transplant
Caroline A, 23 years • 1500 Grafts
Hair transplant
Kristine A, 31 years • 1000 Grafts
Hair transplant
Therese T, 31 years • 2000 Grafts
Före och efter
Daniel P, 35 years • 1500 Grafts
It is common for us to receive patients who want to correct old scars on the neck. It may be scars from hair transplants with older and inferior technology, which have created scars in the donor area.
It is never possible to completely hide the scars by moving hair follicles to the scar tissue, but in almost all cases it is possible to significantly reduce the characteristic white scar. In some situations, we also pigment the scar tissue to soften the light appearance of the scar tissue.
People with burn scars or scars from other accidents are not uncommon at Nordic Hair Clinic. We often manage to perform hair transplants with good results on these types of scars.
A proper medical consultation is needed to assess what the outcome will be. The consultation is always free of charge when you come to us.
Some people may have congenital scars or bald patches where hair is missing. This can be on the hair on your head, in your beard or on your eyebrow. These areas can vary in both size and number.
To determine what corrections are possible, we always recommend a consultation to examine these areas.
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