A woman is combing her hair in front of the mirror

Hair loss in menopause

During the menopause, many women experience hair loss and thinning, which is common and normal.

It is common for many women to start losing hair at menopause. It’s not as common for women to go completely bald as men do as they get older. Hair loss for women is more even. It is also common for hair to become thinner in female pattern baldness.

The reason why women’s hair changes when they enter menopause is because of the hormonal imbalance. The reduced amount of estrogen affects many organs in the body and it can also affect hair growth.

An effective solution to hair loss as you enter menopause is PRP treatments. PRP is an injection treatment in which a person’s blood plasma is injected into the scalp, stimulating hair growth and reducing hair loss.

Thanks to the use of the body’s own blood plasma, the treatment is natural and free of side effects.

Read more about PRP

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