How PRP treatment works

When PRP is used to treat hair, it increases hair growth and causes hair follicles to produce stronger hairs. In addition, PRP helps the transplanted hair follicles to heal after a hair transplant.

Anyone can undergo PPR treatment and most are able to return to work immediately afterwards. Some redness of the skin may appear for a few hours after a treatment but the side effects are not more than that.

Are you interested in PRP for your hair? Have your hair examined during a free consultation with us. The earlier you start any treatment, the more effective it will be.

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Who can do a PRP treatment?

As a rule, anyone can do a PRP treatment. It is independent of gender, age and ethnicity – the results are just as good.

However, it is important to start the treatment in time. The more hair you lost, the longer it will take to regrow your hair with PRP treatment.

When the growth factors are injected into the shrunken hair follicles, a number of positive reactions start in the skin. Your stem cells receive signals to produce more collagen, which contributes to more building blocks for the cells, stimulates the hair follicles and thus slows down hair loss.

The treatment also creates new formation of more small blood vessels in the area, which in turn contribute additional nutrition to your hair.

a woman receives a consultation


How many treatments are required

Most healthy people can do a PRP treatment and get a good result.

Exactly how many treatments are required depends on your initial condition. We usually recommend a course of 3-4 treatments to best activate the process that PRP gives rise to in the body.

It is important to then maintain the hair with approximately 1-2 treatments per year.

What conditions you have, how many treatments you need and what results you can get are individual. We can best assess that at one of our free consultations.

Anti-inflammatory preparations and infections disturb the platelets, and thus have a negative impact on the result.

Intense iron deficiency, imbalance in thyroid production or severe stress can counteract the results of PRP indirectly. The negative effects of these factors cancel out the positive effect of PRP.

After 40,000 treatments and many years of continuous development of our methods, we make sure that the vast majority of our customers get a nice result that they are very satisfied with.


Before and after pictures

Frequently asked questions about PRP treatment

Are there any side effects after PRP treatment?

The treatment is safe and natural because it uses your own blood. Therefore, there is no risk of side effects. There may be some redness immediately after the treatment but this will subside a few hours later.

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Do you offer PRP treatment to pregnant or breastfeeding women?

No, we do not offer PRP treatments to pregnant or breastfeeding women.

Does a PRP treatment hurt?

During a PRP treatment, there may be some tingling and discomfort, especially during the first treatment. But in general, PRP treatments are simple and take place without major discomfort.


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