Before and after picture

Kushtrim, 30 years

3 000 grafts

Kushtrim experienced male pattern baldness and decided to undergo a hair and beard transplant to smooth out his hairline, fill in the high folds, and grow a fuller beard.

I shaved with a razor and saw that my hairline was starting to creep up.

“I’ve never used this expression before, but now it fits quite well,” says Kushtrim, laughing.

The hair and beard transplant began with local anesthesia, something Kushtrim was very nervous about. He found the anesthesia injections uncomfortable but still thought the pain was worth it.

Once the anesthesia took effect, the nurses extracted grafts from the neck and transplanted them to the hairline and beard.

“The process wasn’t that bad,” says Kushtrim with a smile.

A few weeks after the hair transplant, Kushtrim thinks his hair and beard look great. Here you can see more before and after pictures of hair transplants.

Would you like to learn more about hair? Here we list popular hairstyles for men with thinning hair.

Kustrim after his hair transplant

Kustrim after his hair transplant

Kustrim after his hair transplant