Asta, 44 år • 2 000 grafts
A hair transplant involves transplanting hair follicles to fill in bald areas on your head where you want more hair growth or have thinning hair.
The most common areas to transplant hair into for women are the temples – usually to lower the hairline or even out the hairline. Sometimes there is another area that needs to be treated.
For hair transplants in women, we extract hair follicles from the neck as these are genetically encoded not to be affected by hereditary hair loss.
We offer free consultations where we examine your hair, go through your conditions and ensure that the transplant meets your expectations.
Book a free consultationHårtransplantation
Asta, 44 år • 2 000 grafts
Ida, 21 år • 1 500 grafts
Camilla, 28 år • 1 500 grafts
Maria, 60 år • 1 560 grafts
Petra, 27 år • 2 000 grafts
Diana, 51 år • 1 300 grafts
Maria, 60 år • 1 560 grafts
A consultation is a fundamental part of our treatments. It is important for us to get an idea of what you want to get out of your hair transplant and to go through the medical conditions that exist in each individual case. Moreover, it is equally important for you to get an idea about us.
As you pay per graftextracted and transplanted, it is important that we examine your hair to see what options you have.
Consultations are carried out at one of our clinics in Stockholm, Gothenburgor Malmö. If you live far away, you can also have a video consultation.
Our consultations are always free of charge and unbiased.
What do we do during a consultation?Hairline
Before your transplant, we’ll go over what you want your new hairline to look like. We draw the hairline and you reflect on the shape in the mirror.
The naturally feminine hairline is quite straight with soft curves at the temples. It doesn’t usually change much with age, but usually stays the same over the years.
In some women, however, it creeps up a bit with age.
Read more about hairlinesTechniques
At Nordic Hair Clinic, we transplant your hair using the FUE technique. It is a proven technique that gives a natural result.
The FUE technique involves picking groups of hair follicles from your donor area, creating channels in the area where the hair follicles will be transplanted and then placing the hair follicles there.
How does the procedure work?Grafts
In the world of hair transplantation, the term graftis often used. This is the term for the hair follicle groups extracted from the donation area.
For women, the donation area is always the neck as the hair follicles there are genetically encoded not to be affected by hereditary hair loss. It’s also an area that’s easy to hide for those with longer hair.
For a hair transplant, you pay per number of grafts taken from your donation area. During a consultation you will receive an estimate of this.
Read more about the donation areaPRP
For all hair transplants in Sweden, four PRP treatments are included in the price. We always recommend our customers to undergo these.
PRP helps the healing of the transplant area while stimulating hair growth.
After a hair transplant, we usually do not see the final result until about 12 months have passed. However, with the help of PRP, hair growth can be accelerated. The result is also finer.
Read more about PRPHair transplantation for women
Learn more about the techniques we use.
What happens after a hair transplant?
Read about the limitations and conditions before a hair transplant.
Vi har ett samarbete med Medical Finance. Där kan du få räntefria krediter upp till 50 000 SEK och en avbetalningsplan på upp till 24 månader.
Den mest kritiska tiden är de första 2-3 dagarna när området är som känsligast. Första veckan bör du vara extra försiktig.
Efter 2 veckor är det okej att börja träna, men du bör fortfarande vara lite försiktig med sol och var vaksam så att det transplanterade håret inte skrapas.
Efter 3 veckor kan du generellt göra det mesta i vardagen, men undvik saker som att nicka en fotboll, ha på dig en hjälm eller att raka med en rakapparat.
Vi finns alltid till hands vid frågor kring eftervård.
Ja, en hårtransplantation är den enda permanenta lösningen för håravfall. De hårsäckar vi flyttar är genetiskt kodade att sitta kvar livet ut, även vid ditt hårfäste.
Hos oss kan du göra hårtransplantation i Stockholm, Göteborg och Malmö.
Nej, Nordic Hair Clinic erbjuder inte hårtransplantationer till gravida eller ammande kvinnor.
Hur mycket hår du kan transplantera beror på hur bra donationsområde du har i nacken. Vissa personer kan bara plocka ut 3 000 grafts medan andra kan plocka ut 7 000 grafts.
Det är en väldigt individuell fråga som bäst kan besvaras under en kostnadsfri konsultation där vi undersöker ditt donationsområde.
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