Frequently asked questions about hair loss

Is it possible to lose all your hair?

According to our hair experts, hair loss rarely covers the entire head unless you have a condition such as alopecia universalis or totalis.

Men almost always have hair at the nape of their neck and out to the sides up to their ears. Women can sometimes have more diffuse hair loss over the whole head, but it is rare to lose all the hair.

Can certain medications cause hair loss?

There are certain medicationsthat can lead to hair loss. If you have further questions, we recommend that you either ask your doctor or contact us about the medicine you are taking.

What is the cause of hair loss?

According to our hair experts, there are many causes of hair loss. The most common is hereditary hair loss.

Otherwise, e.g. illness, stress, medication, thyroid problems and iron deficiency can cause hair loss.

Why do I lose hair at an early age?

Hair loss doesn’t always have to be age-related, but it’s obviously more common to lose hair with age.

There can be a number of different causes of hair loss at an early age. It could be stress, medication, what you eat, an illness or hereditary hair loss.

What is alopecia?

Alopecia is the medical term for hair loss. All people experience hair loss during their lifetime, some more than others. A certain level of hair loss is normal in all people.

Is there medicine for hair loss?

There are medicinesthat help with hair loss.

Finasteride(the active ingredient in Propecia) and Minoxidil(the active ingredient in Rogaine) help against hair loss. The medicines work in different ways, but Finasteride should only be used and handled by men as it can cause severe damage to the foetus if it comes into contact with pregnant women.

We can prescribe Finasteride to our customers.

Can stress cause hair loss?

Yes. When the body is exposed to a lot of stress over a long period of time, the hair follicles may go into resting phase as a form of self-defence.

The hair follicles then die 3 – 6 months after the event that triggered the resting phase. This can make it difficult to trace stress as the contributing factor to hair loss. When the hair follicle dies, the hair falls off.

Why do I lose hair after my pregnancy?

During pregnancy, the body produces a lot of hormones and after giving birth, the body tries to return to its normal hormone production.

It can take up to a year for the body to stabilise. The general life transition of having a baby, with reduced sleep and increased stress, can also contribute to hair loss after pregnancy.

Does it help to take vitamins against hair loss?

As long as you are not deficient in any vitamin or mineral, taking hair vitamins for hair loss will not help.

However, if you suffer from iron deficiency, for example, hair vitamins can help strengthen your hair.

How can a PRP treatment help against hair loss?

With PRP, we extract the body’s own growth factors, called platelets, which we then inject into the scalp.

The growth factors enlarge the size of the hair follicle, which is often shrunken and has been for a long time (if the hair loss has been going on for a long time). As the size of the hair follicle increases, the hair follicle is able to start producing a hair again of better and stronger quality.

In this way, the treatment can effectively prevent hair loss.

How much hair loss is normal?

Normally, we lose about 100 – 200 hairs a day. In some periods, hair loss can be more severe. But if you lose more than 200 hairs a day for a long period of time, it might be a good idea to check it out.

It may be a hormonal disorder or an underlying disease. A hair grows for about 6 years and then goes into a resting phase of 1 – 3 months before it falls off.

Can PRP prevent hair loss if you lose hair at an early age?

PRPhelps against hair loss at any age in life.

PRP strengthens the hair follicle and nourishes it. The growth factors we inject create new capillaries in the scalp as the hair follicle grows in size. This causes hair follicles that have been stunted to come back to life instead of dying from inactivity.

Can birth control pills cause hair loss?

Birth control pills – especially switching or stopping birth control pills – can trigger hair loss if you have hair loss in your genes.

Hormone replacement can help or cause hair loss in different ways.

Can menopause cause hair loss?

It is common for women to start losing hair at menopause. The hormonal imbalance can cause the body to react by letting the hair fall out.

The reduced amount of estrogen affects many organs in the body and it can also affect hair growth. A good solution for hair loss linked to menopause is PRP treatment.

What is the cause of alopecia areata?

Orsaken till alopecia areata är okänd, men vi vet att stress kan vara en utlösande faktor.

People with alopecia areata are usually otherwise perfectly healthy.

What is alopecia?

Alopeciais the medical term for hair loss.

There are four diseases of alopecia; alopecia areata, alopecia barbae, alopecia totalis and alopecia universalis. Alopecia areata is the most common variant.

What is androgenetic alopecia?

Androgenic hair loss or androgenic alopecia is, in medical terms, male pattern baldness. This is a progressive, non-scarring form of hair loss.

Can alopecia disappear?

Hair loss (alopecia) can be treated with our PRP treatment or a hair transplant.

What triggers alopecia?

There is no definitive cause of what triggers hair loss (alopecia) but we know that stress, genetics and infections are common factors.

How do I know if I have alopecia?

If you notice that you lose more hair than usual when you brush your hair or take a shower, this could be an indication that you have alopecia.

If you find that you are losing more hair than usual, you are always welcome to book a free consultation with us. During the consultation, we examine your hair more closely and come up with relevant solutions.

Alopecia and hair loss - what's the connection?

Alopeciais the medical term for hair loss. Many people mistake the word to be the same as alopecia areata, which is not true.

Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease while alopecia literally means hair loss.

Can you stop male pattern baldness?

Many people want to know if it is possible to stop male pattern baldness and prevent hair loss in men. There is nothing that stops hair loss completely. However, there are treatments that slow down hair loss.

Some solutions to slow down a hair loss are; PRP treatment, Minoxidilor Finasteride. If you want to fill in or correct your hairline instead, such as filling in your folds, we recommend that you have a hair transplant.

How do you know if you have an iron deficiency?

Iron deficiency can manifest itself in different ways, some common symptoms of iron deficiency include:

Hair loss
– Headache
– Dizziness
– Pale and dry skin
– Ringing in the ears

How long does hair loss last after pregnancy?

After pregnancy, the maximum amount of hair loss occurs three to four months after giving birth. The hair then usually grows back again within a year.

Is it possible to get your hair back after pregnancy?

With our PRP treatment, you can strengthen your hair follicles and get your hair growing again. However, it is not possible to revive dead hair follicles caused by pregnancy.

What helps against female hair loss?

First of all, it is important to determine the cause of your hair loss.

If you lose hair due to stress or vitamin deficiency, the main solution is to remedy this first. To accelerate hair growth and slow down your hair loss, our PRP treatment is an effective solution.

We recommend that you come in for a free consultationso that we can find the best solution for you.

Can eyebrows be over plucked?

Yes, it is possible to over pluck the eyebrows so that the hair follicle is destroyed and does not produce new hairs.

Is alopecia hereditary?

Genetic hair loss is one of the most common forms of hair loss (alopecia). Alopecia can be hereditary but it can also have other causes.

What is traction alopecia?

Traction alopecia is when trauma happens to the hair follicle and the hair shaft is pulled out slowly over a long period of time, for example in tight coiffures.

How to stop hair loss?

To counteract and stop sudden hair loss, we recommend PRP treatments on a continuous basis.

If you have severe hair loss and would like to adjust your hairline or fill out your hair in some place, we recommend that you come in for a consultation to get help with your hair loss and talk about a possible hair transplant.

Does it help to take vitamins against hair loss for men?

Since most people get enough vitamins and minerals through their diet, taking hair vitamins for men does not help hair loss for men, as long as you are not deficient in any vitamin.

However, if you suffer from iron deficiency, for example, hair vitamins can help strengthen your hair. An effective treatment for male hair growth and male pattern baldness is PRP treatment.

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